Sunday, February 26, 2017

to have a voice

if they had a voice

what words would
they choose to say
to their mothers
whose bodies mourned the loss
of the life they'd carried,
though they refused to acknowledge
the evidence 
of their children 
lost because 
the lie society fed them:
that selfishness will somehow return
the favor 
that it will bring happiness
a better life 
if they choose to do what's 
best for them
when truly what's best 
for a mother is to realize
what a gift 
she's been given
no matter her walk of life
or circumstance.

if their hearts 
begin to beat 
in perfect sync to the 
woman carrying them
at merely five weeks,
how can you say that it's not a baby
if her body feels it's absence 
long after 
it's life has been taken away?
I wonder, what kind of orphanage
there is in heaven,
for certainly,
Jesus holds all those
lost for this world's 
worst demonstration
 of where
the moral line is never drawn
by those no longer living 
with a fear of Him.

oh, my heart weeps
at the sight of our nation
awash in this horrific,
deep burgundy color of
 the blood
of the
 innocent lives
we've taken 
with no remorse.

do they feel any guilt? 
i think that they do.
their bodies know so perfectly
what their minds 
won't allow them 
to embrace.
the pain and the sorrow
is so much greater
a burden 
for the women
than even for these
innocent children,
for the young never fully knew
the deep sin of this world
in any way except for the 
very life that was stripped
from them;
they are indeed in a 
much better place.

my heart weeps 
a second time for the women,
the ones who do not even know
they are mothers.
their souls carry the weight 
of their children 
long after they've left them
though they'll never accept
that this is the sorrow 
in them.
do they know?
that the greatest healer
already knew the gravity 
of their sin when 
he begin to create the 
very precious life 
within them?

maybe this massecre is the blood
poured over our nation
that will begin the return of our savior,
Israels redeemer.
for certainly it's a public 
display of godlessness, 
a manifiestation 
of the evil they see as good,
all the while 
not realizing that to live for oneself,
is the quickest road to death.

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