Saturday, March 25, 2017


if my heart is breaking
for the ones i've loved deeply
that have left you,
if i do not have mere words
to express the 
dead weight of this burden,
but only tears enough 
to drown in and 
weeping to last the night,
then how much Yashua,
are you hurting for the 
and the broken?
the lost sheep that have 
wandered from you,
i know you love them
so much more then i ever
will or do.

if my heart cries out,
for the ones not even living
selling themselves to the enemy
for empty promises of 
satisfaction and happiness,
then Jesus please,
give me the strength to not 
give up for the heaviness
this pain is.
my heart will not be silent,
while the wounded refuse to see,
the healer stands before them,
on the other side of humility;
healing and restoration lye on 
the shores of the sea of burgundy.
His grace has been poured out for us;
Yahushua pleads for the sinners,
as He bleeds out Israels

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