Saturday, December 10, 2016

above these sorrows

   take a breath 
no please
don't give up on me

what if my lungs 
stopped working?
every time i am consumed
by another memory.

it's that coffee shop
or that restaurant
that stupid road
that alleyway, 
all those places
that only mean
 something to
you and me. 

i walked by the 
new morning bakery
two weeks after you left me
i couldn't breathe.
that town haunts me.
and i'd like to think it's 
just your ghost
but even more than that
it's me.
the ghost, the shadow 
of the girl i once was.
the girl you said 
you loved 
with your whole heart,
you said she was 
your everything, 
in the cold night, right? 

i'm not that girl anymore.
i made myself say
 goodbye to her 
when i hugged you so 
tight it must have 
hurt you.

there are still traces of her,
this must be the longest 
goodbye in history.
she lingers, unwilling
to leave.
some days are harder 
than others, 
but it's slowly
by slowly i mean 

it'll take some time for
this wound to heal.
i know myself well 
enough by now
to know this
will be a scar
i can't cover up.
it's straight across 
my chest, 
right over my heart.
you are forever a
part of me, 
even if just for
the traces
of the wound 
you left.

i've never been 
one to fake things,
i refuse to let the pain
be made into anything 
less than a scar,
a warrior mark.
because what are wounds
until they begin healing?
they are bleeding.

he speaks to me in the chaos
when i cry into the 
bitter night,
he tells me of the joy 
he has for me.

there's this beautiful time,
we'll be above these sorrows;
where he's made every 
weight of sin beautiful,
on the shores of his
grace for us.
all of our wings,
can you see they'll be
speckled with burgundy,
the tide will wash
them white as snow
as we finally learn 
the true definition 
of home.

Sunday, December 4, 2016


all i have are words,
some of them bleeding

this is not merely ink anymore
i'm writing from the wound
the place i'm still

i'm sorry if it's not
but this 
pain and brokenness 
demand to be
shown; felt.

i cannot live this way
my pen is dripping,
my hands are covered 
in this burgundy, 
blood like ink.

what are words
when there's no hint of the 
wound healing?
they are honesty, bravery.
the words won't heal us
but they'll give 
the pain
to be 